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Local Experts for Residential and Commercial Repair & Replacement

McElrath Roofing has been assisting home and business owners throughout  Asheville, NC including Buncombe and surrounding counties since 1949. Your home or business’s roof is an essential system to deal with rainwater while also providing insulation. Don’t wait until it’s too late to repair or replace a damaged roof. Our professional roofing contractors can assist you with all your roofing services. Our roofing contractors will come to your home or business, inspect your roof’s condition, and recommend a repair or replacement when you work with us. As a locally-owned business, we don’t rely on heavy sales tactics. Instead, we provide honest assessments and affordable prices to keep you and your property safe. Learn more about why more property owners choose us for roof repair and replacement services.

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Why More Home and Business Owners Choose Us for Roofing Services

Property owners throughout North Carolina choose us for all their roofing services. As the local leader, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality services at competitive prices. When you choose us for your home or office’s new roof, we walk you through the entire process and answer any questions you may have about our products and services. As a locally-owned business, we’re committed to ensuring that our services meet and exceed our customer’s expectations.


Don't waste time with fly-by-night roofing companies who don't show up when they say they will or take your money and disappear. We've been in business since 1949. Our word and reputation are important to us. When you choose us to replace your home or office's roof, we'll arrive on time and complete the project within the estimated timeline.


Our trained professionals have decades of combined experience installing commercial and residential roofs. With our knowledge and expertise, we are able to complete nearly any type of roofing project.

High-Quality Materials

We use Duro-Last and CertainTeed for all our roofing products because we believe they are the industry's leading brands. They offer durable and long-lasting products that can withstand the harshest weather.

Warranty-Back Products

We're committed to ensuring our customers are satisfied with our service long after we've finished the repair or installation. We offer warranty-backed services to provide you with the peace of mind you want from your roof installation.

Schedule Your Roof Replacement or Repair

Every property owner should have the contact information of a reliable and experienced roofing professional. If your roof is damaged during a storm or beginning to reach the end of its life, you can count on us to respond quickly to repair or replace your roof. By combining our years of industry knowledge and access to the top products on the market, we’re able to deliver long-lasting services. Contact us today to schedule your roofing service.

Contact Us

Schedule Your Roof Repair or Replacement Estimate