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High-Quality Roof Replacement Products

Since 1949, McElrath Roofing has been replacing commercial roofs throughout Asheville, NC including Buncombe and surrounding counties. We’ve tested a wide variety of roofing products and materials throughout the years. Today, we’re proud to offer Duro-Last, Inc. roofing products for all of our jobs. They are the largest manufacturer of custom prefabricated single-ply roofing systems used for commercial roofs. We believe that Duro-Last is the best commercial roofing material on the market today and have personally installed it on all of our commercial projects throughout the years. Learn more about the Duro-Last roofing system today.

PVC roof with skylights on a very large warehouse building.

Why We Chose Duro-Last Commercial Roofing System

Many of the problems and delays in roof installation occur during the manufacturing process, which generally takes place at the job site. Uncontrolled conditions and inadequate space to correctly measure and fit other types of flat roof materials led to inconsistent results. Duro-Last roofs prefabricate the entire roofing system in their factory-controlled environment. Their manufacturing process ensures the materials correctly fit your property’s roof while performing quality control checks and is backed by an extensive factory warranty. Discover why we choose Duro-Last.


Your Duro-Last roofing system will reflect up to 88% of sunlight, reducing energy costs.

Country-Wide Footprint

Duro-Last roofing systems have five manufacturing sites throughout the united states. Billions of square feet of commercial buildings are protected by Duro-Last throughout the country.

Best-In-Class Warranties

Duro-Last offers tiered warranties to meet the individual needs of each of our clients. These warranties include coverage for labor, materials, consequential damage, and high wind and hail coverage. Speak with us today to learn more about the available warranties.

Easy Installation

Our Authorized Duro-Last contractors will install your business's new roof without any loud machinery or hot tar, so you can keep your business open even while we're working on the new roof installation.

Duro-Last Is the Best Choice for Any Commercial Roof

Choosing McElrath Roofing to install a new Duro-Last roofing system on your commercial flat roof provides you with long-lasting results and peace of mind. Duro-Last’s thickness over scrim ensures that the membrane is durable enough to protect your business from even the most severe storms. Not only that, but a high threads-per-inch density prevents tears in your system from spreading. If you need a new commercial roof, contact our professionals to get started with an on-site estimate.

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